Adventures in Gardening 

After much planning, consternation, and budgeting, my adventures in gardening for the year may begin! I’ve finally gotten all the plants and seeds in the ground with much help from Husband. Little Man and Miss A were good little helpers watering as well. I’m very grateful for the watering. cans they received as part of their Easter presents from Grandma Jill- my plants have a more fair chance at survival now that they aren’t being drowned by the hose when the kids feel like exercising their green thumbs! (Thanks mom!)

My sad little blueberry bushes. They need some love.
My sad little blueberry bushes. They need some love.

Naturally, I started out with incredibly grandiose plans which involved reading several gardening books and magazines (thank you aunt Gwen!), after which, I was sure we could live off our land while simultaneously having a glorious Eden. But, I gradually paired down my lofty thoughts to much more attainable goals (thank you again, aunt Gwen 😊). Now, I won’t end up with a bunch of dead plants and fruitlessly spent money (see what I did there? Haha!) .

Tomatos, rosemary, basil, beans.
Tomatos, rosemary, basil, beans.
The far end of the deck with my veggies that need the most sun
The far end of the deck with my veggies that need the most sun
Beans, basil, rosemary. 

I’ve focused on growing herbs and veggies- all things we can eat. I’m excited to make lots of salads. Obviously, just by planting these veggies I’m already well on my way to a summer bikini bod. At least I feel like it should work that way, don’t you?

Deck veggies in the early morning
Deck veggies in the early morning
Our garden wall doubles as planters for those plants that spread a lot. Chives and strawberries here.
Our garden wall doubles as planters for those plants that spread a lot. Chives and strawberries here.
Garden in the early morning
Garden in the early morning
Our bar
Our bar
Mint, chives, and parsley
Mint, chives, and parsley

We’ve been working on our backyard set up ever since we moved in. Slowly, but surly, it’s coming along. Since we have small kids and this isn’t our forever house, our goal is to make the yard useful and durable. Any pretty plants or bushes that are fragile, and can’t stand up to the kiddos get put out front. What does the front look like you say? Uh, let’s just not talk about that right now. Hey, I got the garden planted! That was no small feat. Stay tuned though, I got big plans for that front yard.



2 thoughts on “Adventures in Gardening ”

  1. Yummy, mint! Maybe you could whip me up a Mojito on our next visit 🙂 Everything looks so hearty. And hey, how about that deck, eh? Looks a w e s o m e!


    1. Ah yes, I forgot to mention the deck in this post! HAha! What a work in progress THAT has been . Thank you again for your help, Chris was very touched that you both dropped everything to come help.

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