Priorities and Pregnancy

Everyone has a sub-conscience list of importance based on what they consider “important” at that give time in their life. Usually, this list changes with different priories. For some people it never does. I have come to the conclusion that some people’s lists coincide at varying points in their lives with lists of other people that they would not suspect (or maybe they do, who knows).

(Any given thing of “importance” is rated on a scale that specialized for each person (also based on what they find important) and let’s say that scale is the simple 1-10 category, 1 being the lowest priority or importance and 10 being the greatest.)

Example 1:

Fourteen-year-old girl full of teenage-y angst: 1 being something super not important like homework and 10 being returning the text of a cute guy that if she doesn’t return IMMEDIATELY (with the proper emoticons so that her her deepest emotions are clear) the world will, like, LITERALLY explode.

Same example…but different:

Thirty-seven-year-old woman that is a self-proclaimed Twi-hard, goes on blind dates with men she meets on Craigslist and has five cats with rhyming names: 1 is something super not important like volunteering time to charity and 10 being returning the text of a cute guy that is she doesn’t return IMMEDIATELY (with the exact right wording so she doesn’t seem desperate) she might miss out on her SOUL MATE.

Example 2:

Nineteen-year-old male: 1 is homework and 10 staring at the text from a cute girl for three days trying to figure out what to say.

Same example and…not so different.

Twenty-five-year-old male: (See above but substitute “homework” for “work”.

Example 3:

Twenty-year-old pregnant woman: 1, make-up and skinny jeans. 10, food and sleep.

Thirty-year-old pregnant woman: (see above).

Forty-year-old pregnant woman: (see above).

New-born: (see above).

Thirteen-year-old male: (see above).

Neanderthal: (see above).

Eight-seven-year-old male: (see above).


Conclusion? Pregnant women, contrary to popular belief, are the most easily pleased and most relatable category of persons.



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