Back again

Wow, it’s been awhile since I posted! I’d make up all the usual excuses, but you know how it is; the holidays come and go and in the momentum of getting the routine back, the little things can get away from you. At least they get away from me.

As I’m soaking up some rare sunshine on this very chilly afternoon, I’ve just wrapped up a project we’ve been meaning to finish for ages: the sandbox area! We’ve been working on several house projects, most are the “boring” kind; paint a random wall, researching more efficient heating and cooling options, and just plain old maintenance. But, this one was fast and pretty fun!

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We already had a sandbox, made from old pallets Husband picked up from work. But the area around the sandbox was a grassless dirt pile. As much as I wanted grass around the box, the boisterous sand tossing thwarted my best efforts at seeding. So, after much debate of pea gravel vs wood chips, the wood chips got the vote since we were worried about the pea gravel (which would inevitably migrate across the yard occasionally) becoming a deadly projectile while mowing.

Using more recycled pallets we framed the wood chips and pavers, but not before we laid down some landscape fabric (who knows if that seeding will decide to finally make a come back?!).Husband spruced up the sandbox by replacing the cover and wrapping it with a tarp (curse this Seattle rain!). I made the chalkboard out of, get this, cement backer board! I read a brilliant blog that mentioned how they got long life out of their outdoor chalkboard and that was the secret! I’m happy to say that after two coats of chalkboard paint it is working great and has withstood the rain already very well.

Well folks, that’s been one project that we’ve been busy with lately but stay tuned for more, I’m determined to not let my little blog lapse so badly again. You’ll have to keep me honest 🙂



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