Schooling Station

Hello! It’s a dreary and cold Monday morning, not surprising due to the season, but it sure does feel colder than last year. In fact, it snowed yesterday! The first snow of the season is always so magical. I peeked out the window in the morning, shrieked like a little girl and dragged Husband and the kids outside. It was a nice snow, big fat fluffy flakes, and although it didn’t stick or last more than an hour, it was so much fun. C was pretty sure that it meant it was Christmas and was slightly irritated that he wasn’t going to get his presents. I reminded him  other things happen first, like Thanksgiving and getting our Christmas tree. To which he responded, “Oh I know mom! We go get our tree, then it will be Christmas! Then I get my presents!” Oops. Days, months, and time in general is still something we are working on in our schooling. To be fair, it’s a difficult concept.

Speaking of schooling, I recently gutted all my school supplies, throughly organizing and condensing everything. It’s actually fairly embarrassing to discover how much stuff you have, you know? I feel like I don’t use nearly enough of the supplies and materials I’ve been hoarding 🙁 That is going to change though with this new operating system, I can stream line activities and accomplish more in one school session.

I wanted a system that was all in one, moveable, and open enough where I could see EVERYTHING, rather than having to unbury things, or guess at where something was. Mobility was important to me because I have been getting frustrated walking back and forth to three different places in the house and then back to the table just to complete one project with the kids. Now, that is not a problem anymore.

I wheel it in and out of the linen closet, which has a child proof door knob so there isn't a risk of all this hard work getting vandalized by wee hands ;)
I wheel it in and out of the linen closet, which has a child proof door knob so there isn’t a risk of all this hard work getting vandalized by wee hands 😉
Bottom shelf
Bottom shelf
Middle shelf
Middle shelf
I got the chart and cups at Ikea.
I got the cart and cups at Ikea.
FINALLY, all the drawing supplies sorted! I used all the broken pieces of crayon and melted them down into big round rainbow crayons- much easier for little hands :)
FINALLY, all the drawing supplies sorted! I used all the broken pieces of crayon and melted them down into big round rainbow crayons- much easier for little hands 🙂


happy little artist
happy little artist
dot painting! I'll have to replace those soon, they are on their last leg.
dot painting! I’ll have to replace those soon, they are on their last leg.

With Thanksgiving coming, I have all sorts of Thanksgiving themed homeschooling coming up for the kids. I’m trying to place some extra emphasis on it this year because Caidoc seems very eager to just skip right to Christmas and getting presents. This schooling supplies purge was one of those projects to help put some light on Thanksgiving for all of us, not just Caidoc. I’ve been organizing each room of the house during November and WOW, it has been such a valuable lesson! Nothing makes you NOT want to spend money on junk for Christmas like having to sort everything you have! We’ve been making so many trips to donations, and throwing things out that it makes me feel so embarrassed for how much stuff we’ve acquired and just don’t use. What a waste! Like that great book, The Joy of Less said, “have nothing in your house that you do not find beautiful or useful”. Such a helpful reminder, because I have lots of things I find “okay” and “I’ll probably use someday”. Ridiculous!

Anyways, we’ve done a good job of cutting the fat and I think it’s made an impression on Caidoc too. I’ve had him go through his toys and books and find things to donate. He enjoys it, particularly if he understands WHY he’s doing it.

Well, I’m pushing my luck with the kiddos, they’ve been playing happily but I hear a storm brewing so I’d better go. But before I do, a quick peek at a Thanksgiving craft we did this morning,



cute little turkeys, made by my cute little turkeys ;)!


Happy Monday all! Cheers!

2 thoughts on “Schooling Station”

  1. Love the cart and cups! Purging is such a good feeling, isn’t it? After I return from Thanksgiving in Memphis, I have a plan to sort all of my crafting supplies following a system I recently read about, and yes… purging is involved.

    Love the pics of my grands. I spy a very cute pink kitchen setup in the play area too. Is it vintage?

    Snow already? And you just had a big windstorm. Hopefully you didn’t lose power in your area. Our first snowfall is expected tomorrow and Saturday. ttyl

    1. Yes! Such a nice feeling to get rid of junk! We did have a huge windstorm. Other than some flooding in our area, we were lucky and did not get effected much.
      Hopefully you don’t get too much snow 🙂

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