Finding Our Rhythm

Well folks, we wrapped up week two of school and so far it is going swimmingly. I’ve been able to find a happy medium between accomplishing the daily goals and rolling with the punches.

I’d like to say that we have a set schedule each day, but it seems that in this season of life, that’s just not going to happen. True, we get school done, but sometimes it ends at 9 am (yes, that early!) and sometimes it ends at 2pm (did we decide to move the coop again because the chickens are escaping? Push school back 30 minutes. Did we decide we seize the glorious morning and go for a jog?! Push school back an hour.) That’s the beauty of homeschooling I’m trying to embrace more; just roll with it baby! All those little “distractions” ARE school!

However, i haven’t completely thrown in the towel on our schedule. I’ve set a schedule for myself of waking up at 5:30am to get myself prepared for the day by starting breakfast and having some quiet time. It has been life changing these past two weeks and I cannot recommend it enough. Normally, I’d let Cosima wake me up at 6 but giving myself the extra 30 minutes has been a great gift to myself and to my family. This night owl has reformed y’all.

We’ve been so busy with house projects, freezer meals, field trips, canning food, and all the sweet little kiddos moments like loosing teeth, watching Pickle master new milestones, and starting new family read aloud books. The last two weeks have flown by. I really am so blessed. This is the least hectic our year will be and I am trying to savor it. Soon all the extra curricular activities will start and we will be doing an extra class or lesson And that’s on top of our regular school! Knowing this is the calm before the storm is helping me live in the now.

one of our chickens started laying and we are all super duper excited!

Our kitties and chickens have been keeping us extra busy with their daily antics but we are enjoying them so much! I’ve especially appreciated how much responsibility it has given the big kids; they really are blossoming into loving pet owners. Cosima in particular is so confident in her sometimes overwhelming affection for the very patient animals.

Well, I think that’s all for now everyone! We have found our new school rhythm with much less of a rocky start than I anticipated, and I am grateful! I’m sure it will be a whole new adjustment mid-September when things get hectic, but I have no doubt we will adjust accordingly then too.
I have some new recipes and field trip posts planned in the next few days so stay tuned!

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