Pictures from the week

Ninety degrees  in Seattle? What’s going on? It’s not even August yet and this summer has been so hot. I used to love love love hot weather, but with kids, it’s been pretty miserable. Between sweltering nights nursing, sweaty kids not sleeping, and Caidoc pretty much melting in anything over 75 degrees, I’m ready for cooler temps. 

Despite our best efforts to keep him cool, Caidoc cannot handle warm weather. His whole body breaks out in heat rash even if he’s naked in the water. His cheeks flush and his rashes on his cheeks get much worse. The oddest thing is the sweating. He will be dripping with sweat even around 80 degrees, no clothes on in the shade. Zelie could be in the sun at the same time and not shed a drop. We keep him extremely hydrated. I don’t know why he over heats so easily. Between him practically getting heat stroke and Zelie teething, this summer has been trying. 

Over the Fourth of July we discovered the hard way that Zelie is allergic to something in hummus. Most likely chickpeas. Can you believe it? I thought we were gonna get lucky on allergies with her. It was a pretty scary experience, much like Caidoc’s reaction to egg, but hers was an even faster reaction. Luckily we had seen this type of thing before so we knew what to do. Of course, once crisis was averted, I dived into researching and discovered that a chickpea allergy is closely related to a peanut allergy. Zelie has been tested for peanuts but has come up negative- she’s also eaten paint butter just fine *whew!* However, last time we got Caidoc tested he actually tested slightly positive for a peanut allergy, despite being able to eat peanut butter and such. Our allergist said that is probably a sensitivity that he’s able to ignore for the most part. So, knowing this I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that Zelie has a chickpea allergy. 

It is too bad though, one of mine and Caidoc’s favorite snacks is hummus. Caidoc in particular loves hummus and always reminds me to get it at Costco. It’s odd to not have any of their allergies over lap- and inconvenient. 

Princess has been crabby all week which I chalked up to teething but yesterday morning she woke up with a 102 temp and it’s barely gone down since. She’s sweaty and miserable and I feel so bad for her. Having one kid, or both sick, I find really trying because I feel like I struggle to evenly split my time between them, especially at night. They both seem to want to cling to me and have to be holding on to me to sleep. That’s not so bad when it’s not so hot out. Poor little lady. It’s just heart breaking to see such a tiny body have to put up such a big fight. 

Anyways, this wasn’t meant to be a depressing post, haha, and really this week hasn’t been that bad, I’ve had worse! I guess just my motherly musings are coming out on here- better out than in 😁

I hope you have a wonderful week! Cheers. 

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