Four years ago…

  …I married the most perfect person on the planet. It might surprise you that I didn’t know that at the time. In retrospect despite three years of dating, and withstanding more trials than most couples face in a decade, I really barely knew that guy. 


I mean, I “knew him”, in the sense that I knew he was a great catch, that he was smart, funny, and made me very happy- happier than I ever thought I could be. 

Most people assume the day you get married will be the happiest day of your life and, it probably is, because up to that moment you have experienced the greatest amount of happiest you’ve ever experienced. But today, I’m so much happier than I was the day I got married. 


 I remember being so happy the day I got married. Truly. But, I had no idea was going to get. I wouldn’t trade a hundred fancy/exciting/heart fluttering/ life changing wedding days with Chris for the times I’ve gotten to have with my him since we said ” I do”.  


It sounds crazy, I know. Don’t get me wrong, at the time I didn’t think it was “all down hill from here” I knew it was suppose to get even better, if you’re doing it right, because that’s what “they” all say. 


The day I married Chris there were things that seriously annoyed me about him (ugh, how awful does that sound??), it’s true, some tiny things he did, like saying “I’ll just fly by the seat of my pants”, actually got under my skin and I would snap at him if he said it. It sounds so shallow, right? ( How embarrassing to admit this!)


But, as our four years have passed, any tiny, or big, thing that annoyed me about him all has just started to dwindle away. I can honestly say at this point in my life, I am infinitely more in love and in awe of the man I married than the man I said “I do” to. 
It wasn’t magic or some major event that changed that. What happened was all the little things that annoyed me or made me actually angry about Chris I realized (over a long period of time, trust me) were actually things that I didn’t like in myself (“who cares if likes to “fly by the seat of his pants” ?! He’s so cheerful and willing to be flexible why can’t I be more like that?! Why am I such a Debbie downer?!” ) . 


Don’t think I realized these things because they were pointed out to me, not in the slightest. My husband never, ever criticizes me. Never. He doesn’t have to. His own loving example and quiet way of living is enough of a mirror for me to gaze into and say, ” I want to be more like that”. This man that I married, why, after four years, I’m only scrapping the surface of just how amazing he is, and he’s been there all along. 


He inspires me to be more loving, more giving, more gracious, more patient. He shows me by example how to have self control, to be cheerful, despite the circumstances, to stand up for myself, to relax sometimes, and how to keep going on- no matter how hard life gets. 

I’m not under any illusions. I know Chris isn’t omnipotent or without fault ( I dare you to try and find one though, because I can’t I am his wife! Haha!) . He so rarely falters or stumbles in being my perfect person that I almost am grateful for when he does, because then I get a chance to remind him of all that he’s taught me in these fours years. Unfortunately, I’m usually more vocal and not as graceful 😳 (still working on that!) 


Thank God I married this man. I just had no idea how good of a decision that was, and I have a feeling I’m only going to end up being more grateful for it. 

If four years has been this amazing with the this most perfect person, how much better is it going to get?!  

I can’t wait ❤️ 

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